Corporate Sponsors please click on the Support Our Productions tab above to help us produce our 2017/2018 season.

We thank you for helping us continue to employ local talent and staff  in Dallas, Texas!

Upcoming 2021/2022 PRODUCTION

Private Donors, Please click below to help us take I'm Always On My Mind  to Chicago, LA, Broadway & Las Vegas:

I'm Always On my Mind is starting out as a one-man stage production. However, I'm Always on My Mind is an actual comedy series created for a major television network.

This performance will blow your mind, the character [Brock] is so into himself.  He’s charming, charismatic, and handsome, he’s a narcissist, he just hasn’t figured that out yet.  The audience will neither love nor hate him, they will love and hate him at the same time. You’re going to REALLY love it!

This show packs a punch and provides everything audiences look for in a night at the theater: non-stop laughter, unforgettable tunes, top-notch performance, brilliantly written storyline. Directed by television and Broadway actress  Leonard, ''this production is definitely raising the bar in the theatre realm.'' ~ Linda Leonard.

Uppermost Entertainment, LLC

Misunderstood is a hilarious comedy with a little bit of drama stage production (created for television).  About family, friends and co-workers who perpetually find themselves in very precarious situations that aren’t what they appear. 

Each genuinely find themselves taking the definition of being misunderstood to a whole new level.This show will keep you laughing as you see the potential for all sides in each situation. 

You might find yourself feeling truly empathetic and understanding with a few laughs along the way.  This is so hilarious because we can all relate to being misunderstood in one way or another.

World Premiere